DramaFest 2016

With this edition, DramaFest, a theatre festival focused on contemporary playwriting that takes place every two years, begins its second decade of life. The ideas that encouraged its birth twelve years ago are basically two: the bordering will on the obsession of my...

Protégeme, instrúyeme

Protect me, instruct me By: Marta Galán (Spain). Creators and performers: Núria Lloansi, Juan Navarro and Yago Navarro. Set designer and director: Marta Galán. Music: H. F. von Biber. Music composer and sound designer: Juan Navarro.ADHD data and recording of...

Karaoke para 2 2014

Creative Team Director: Ignacio García. SYNOPSIS Karaoke of dramatic scenes inside a capsule that is installed in public spaces, designed for passersby to experience the theater firsthand. Para-theatrical adventure that is articulated from this maxim: it is enough...

Burbujas urbanas 2014

I’ll call you back Monologue quartet in a bubble By: Nicolás Alvarado (Mexico). Director: José Luis Aguilera Velasco (Mexico). Creative TeamAssistant director: Marisol Rocha. Costume design: Josefina Echeverría. Sound design: TONO. Production: TEATRO DE BABEL /...

Talleres 2014

Playwriting workshop for professionals Teaches: Stephen Sewell (Australia) Workshop for professional writers interested in perfecting their skills around dramatic writing. The philosophy that will guide this workshop is that the best writing comes from a deep passion...

Lecturas dramatizadas 2014

Brief lessons to become a winner By: Edgar Álvarez (Mexico). Director: Edgar Álvarez (Mexico). SYNOPSIS Fran, Alex and Mich are three top executives of a financial firm. They have been friends for many years and have established strong and deep bonds. At this moment,...